
Best Money Making Ideas for Students

After the completion of your schooling, are you finding the ways and ideas to make money. There are many ideas with the help of which you can make some money. But if you are still a school or college going student and want to help your parents or earn some extra pocket money. Then here are the different ideas that can help you. Believe it or not, we all have some extra talent hidden in us and you can easily use your skills. Here I am sharing are some best money making ideas for the students: Join Marketing Networks of Modicare Ltd. In order to expand their business, marketing companies pay you for promoting their services and products. Choose any Affiliate Program and advertise your affiliated link. The company will pay you when someone clicks on your link and make any purchase. Affiliate marketing is a good way to earn extra money when you don’t have much time for work. Like  Modicare .

Apple से 27 गुना बड़ी रही Yahoo 6 गलतियों से हुई बिकने पर मजबूर

16 साल पहले एप्पल से करीब 27 गुना ज्यादा मार्केट कैप वाली कंपनी याहू आज बिक गई। इसे अमेरिकी कंपनी वेराइजन कम्‍युनि‍केशन्स ने 32 हजार करोड़ रुपए (483 करोड़ डॉलर) में खरीदा है। बता दें, जनवरी 2000 में याहू दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी टेक कंपनी थी। तब कंपनी की मार्केट कैप 5.63 लाख करोड़ रुपए (12800 करोड़ डॉलर) थी, जो अब तक सबसे ज्यादा है। 22 साल पुरानी याहू जितने में बिकी है, वो अमाउंट कंपनी के 16 साल पहले की मार्केट कैप के 4% से भी कम है। 16 साल में उलट गई याहू की दुनिया... - 16 साल पहले याहू की मार्केट कैप 5.63 लाख करोड़ रुपए (12800 करोड़ डॉलर) और एप्पल की 21120 करोड़ रुपए (480 करोड़ डॉलर) थी। ऐसे में, 2000 में याहू की मार्केट कैप एप्पल से 27 गुना ज्यादा थी। - तब याहू दुनिया की नंबर 1 टेक कंपनी थी। एप्पल टॉप 5 से बाहर थी। - अब कहानी एकदम उलटी हो गई है। याहू टॉप 5 से बाहर और एप्पल नंबर 1 है। बता दें, 25 जुलाई तक एप्पल की मार्केट कैप 35.48 लाख करोड़ थी। 16 साल में 90% से ज्यादा घटी स्टॉक्स की कीमत - जनवरी 2000 में याहू के एक स्टॉक की कीमत 500 डॉलर (तब के रुपए-डॉलर रेट के हिसाब से 234

Amazon wants to use lampposts, churches as drone ‘perches’

Amazon has been awarded a patent for "docking stations" for its delivery drones that will be built on tall structures such as lampposts or churches and allow the unmanned machines to recharge and pick up packages. "The docking stations may incorporate a number of features to enable UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) to fly longer routes, to fly routes more accurately, and to provide shelter during adverse conditions," Amazon's U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) filing said. Amazon is currently grappling with regulators on getting regulation passed that supports its plan to deliver parcels by unmanned flying machines. Toward the end of June, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued new rules that essentially killed off Amazon's drone plans. Still, the U.S. e-commerce giant has been filing patents and testing out its drones. The latest patent describes docking stations which could be installed on cell towers, church steeples, office bu

SREI to install 25,000 ATMs in rural India

Hemant Kanoria SREI Infrastructure  Ltd plans to set up about 25,000 white label automated telling machines (ATMs ) in rural areas, taking benefit of the policy to throw open the segment for non-banking entities.  ATMs set up, owned and operated by a non-banking company will be known as white label ATMs. Hemant Kanoria , chairman and managing director of SREI, said the company had already applied to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). SREI proposes to locate most of these ATMs at common service centres ( CSCs ) operated by  Sahaj e-Village  Ltd, a SREI group entity. The final plan will be subject to RBI approval. These CSCs are being set up under the government’s plans to bridge digital divide between rural and urban areas, Kanoria said. SREI has appointed Bharat Technical Solutions as a project management consultant for its ATM plan. Sahaj is working to set up and manage 28,000 CSCs across six states including Tamil Nadu. Although there has been nearly 23-25 per cent y

Srei Sahaj to market UTI Mutual's pension products

UTI Mutual Fund has entered into an arrangement with Srei Sahaj for distribution of its micro-pension products across the States of Assam, Bihar, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Under the initiative, investors would have to contribute a minimum of Rs 200 a month towards UTI-Retirement Benefit Pension Fund so as to enable them to receive pension in the form of periodical income after they attain the age of 58, according to Mr Jaideep Bhattacharya, Group President and Chief Marketing Officer, UTI.

UP government to bring more services under e-governance programme

Neeraj Chandra State Head - SREI SAHAJ In an attempt to ensure adequate availability and percolation of its schemes among the rural population, the Uttar Pradesh government has decided to expand the ambit of its e-governance services, from the current tally of 26 running in eight departments in the next five years. The services are being delivered through Internet-enabled common service centres set up at the village level in all the districts of the state. The services would include filing of commercial tax (VAT returns) and women literacy programmes from this month. A pilot project of this scheme is already being carried out in three districts of UP namely Maharajganj, Mirzapur and Sonbhadra and is targeting to make 10,000 women literate by March. Besides, common service centres would also be able to generate voter ID cards from February. The state government is working in collaboration with three companies to bridge the digital gap between urban and rural India. These ar

Rural India needs a tech shot : Sanjay Kumar Panigrahi

Sanjay Kumar Panigrahi CEO of Srei Sahaj e-Village Limited Information technology may conjure up images of online shopping, couriers and several other facilities in the minds of the urban populace. But for rural communities it implies a great saving of time and wearying travel for simple services, like getting train tickets or any kind of  certificate, pointed out Sanjay Kumar Panigrahi CEO of Srei Sahaj e-Village Limited, while emphasisng the need for the state to take IT to its villages. "From data collection to skill development; and from citizen-centric service to education-IT means empowerment for rural masses. And so, its requirement can't be overlooked in rural UP," he said. Srei Sahaj e-Village has made an effort to bridge this IT deficit in rural India by establishing nearly 28,000 common service centres (CSCs) in UP, Assam, Bihar, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal under the central governemnt's National e-governance Plan, of which 6,000 are in